There is straight up no point in watching a stream that is not hive. The arp accumulation is so slow. I would have to leave the stream on while going to class and I still doubt I am gonna finish getting 32 arp before I get home.
Has the artifact from the team fortress community event been sent out yet?
If so I didn't get mine, anybody know what the procedure is to inquire about missing rewards?

bottom text

To anyone still using the Twitch fixer script: Wow, way more people than I thought still use this thing. In the past 30 days the proxy server has gotten over 621k requests. The problem is my hosting service nerfed the free tier and wants me to pay for more than 100k requests per month. Not happening. I fixed that by rewriting the proxy server to use cheaper compute with more free usage. It'll stay up for the foreseeable future but I didn't do extensive testing, so let me know if something's broken lol
Oi Oi and Frogtastic Greeting from OiFrog. Been here a couple of weeks, thought was time to say Hi.
Check out our new Pro Headset Announcement!! and a reminder: No matter how mashmallowy the earcups may look, please do not eat them.
Is the artifact "H`erkow Warrior Script" working as intended? "When activated, this card adds an additional 1 ARP to Steam quest completions." Even with it on, I still get 15 for my own game choice and 25 from the other two. (I have logged out/in, and unequip/reequip it, still the same numbers)
Hello :)
Complaining every month about not getting a key from vault is bot-like behaviour ^^
How long has it been since you were able to pick up even one of the games you liked?
Overwatch 3v3? šŸ¤”
Hello everyone, could someone help me on how to change the user color in the forum to activate the Zorathian Renaissance of the flux artifact?
Hi everyone, Im brand new
Good job everyone
This site is lagging big time the last month or more. Am I the only one with this problem or is it a new feature?
35 hours left for the TF2 steam community event
Can you do twitch quest on your phone?
With 2 days left, just under 1000 hours left to do in the TF2 steam community event!
Finally got to Galactic tier!! They said I can access the Veteran Members section now, but I couldn't find it anywhere. Help?
Star Wars Bounty Hunter "we cannot accept your purchase at this time. Thank you for your interest" can someone explain to me the meaning of this situation ?

The Hattiest Hattington

How many "The Elder Scrolls Online Deluxe Collection: Gold Road" keys were there? 3? I clicked on it in the first couple of seconds and missed it. I think it would be fair if Alienwarearena let us know how many keys there are in advance so we know not to waste our time.
While I'm certain there are bots snagging keys, I wouldn't go as far as to say the bots are taking all the keys. I've managed to get the game key I aimed for the last five times I've attempted, and they were some of the better games. Maybe I just got lucky each and every time. I understand the frustration by other users, but I for one am thankful for Alienware. This isn't something that they have to offer, and it isn't something you have to spend time on. Thank you ALIENWARE for "Rogue Waters."

Game Hunter

I did it!!šŸ˜ Thanks Alienware! šŸ‘šŸ‘


Voltaire last month & Critter Crops this month. Thanks for the adorable indie games!